psychedelic therapy

Thank You Life: Paying It Forward with Psychedelic Therapy

November 17, 2022

Last month I introduced our nonprofit, Thank You Life, which is a funding stream to provide scholarships for psychedelic-assisted therapy, in order to make these groundbreaking treatments more accessible. Today I’ve got an exciting update: we officially have our first two beneficiaries undergoing KAP (Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy) protocols with an excellent therapist, funded entirely by our donors. 

It’s an emotional time for the Thank You Life team because it makes all the long days and countless hours worth it to see our mission in action, to see real people receiving the care they otherwise had no hope of accessing. These two people were perfect candidates for KAP, as their conditions have been treatment-resistant over the last decade or so, and they had no way of paying for a KAP protocol on their own. 

We feel so blessed to have received enough donations to sponsor their treatments, and we look forward to periodically checking in with them as they navigate this new chapter in their journeys. 

We are truly touched by the level of support we’ve received so far. With all the excitement and astronomical amounts of money invested in the psychedelic industry over the last few years, practically none of it has been dedicated to improving the access problem. Thank You Life is set up to fill that gap in accessibility, and our conversations with therapists and psychiatrists around the country have made it even more evident how important this piece is for the psychedelic movement to be a success. 

Thankfully, there is a strong desire in our community to democratize healing and help others gain access to this type of potentially life-changing work, so I remain optimistic.

Given the name, Thank You Life, and with Thanksgiving right around the corner, this brings up an interesting realization I’ve had. The past few years around this time, when we have been invited to express gratitude for what we have–yet are bombarded with Black Friday advertisements trying to get us to consume even more–I’ve seen and felt a shift happening. 

We’ve known it intellectually, but now we’re feeling it in a real way, that we speak with our attention and our money; we choose our reality with every dollar spent. We support whatever we put our financial energy into, from local, family-owned businesses to faceless mega-corporations. More and more people are realizing that material “stuff” isn’t filling the void and instead are looking for more meaningful ways to give back. 

A quick Google search showed me that the amount of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales in 2021 were significantly less than in 2020, while donations on Giving Tuesday (the Tuesday before Thanksgiving) went up by 9% to nearly $3 billion last year. 35 million people donated to nonprofits last year on that single day alone. 

I find this to be a powerful energetic shift as we collectively reclaim this time of year at a higher octave, rising above the obsession with material things and finding real gratitude for our lives and helping one another where we can. It’s as if we’re pulling our heads out of the sand and saying, “Hey, wow, what a wild ride this has been! I’m so grateful to be where I am. Who needs a hand right now? How can I help out?”

I mention this shift now because Thank You Life is hoping to raise as much money as possible before the end of the year in order to send out at least 50-75 scholarships next year, and Giving Tuesday is only a few days away. 

Our infrastructure is set up, our provider network is ever-growing, and our operations are dialed in. The last and most challenging piece is building our fund as much as we can before our larger public launch early next year. It’s simple: the bigger our fund, the more people who can be helped. 

Together we can help our brothers and sisters who are suffering in silence get to a place of stability, healing, and eventually gratitude for their lives, which creates a massive positive ripple in the field. If you feel called, you can join our mission either by visiting our website to make a donation, or by forwarding this email to some friends.


To your health, 

Dr. Dan


Get healthy. Stay present. Help out.

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