
Choice Is Our Power

September 8, 2022

When we remember that Love is our blueprint, imbued with harmony, interdependence, and interconnectedness, we recognize that choice is our power to create and tell our story. 

Being in our power of choice is actually the reclamation of our greatest position. It’s the point at which everything is possible because we have free will choice. That’s what separates us from all other species. It separates us from all other aspects of this interdependent life system that may have linear past-present-future timelines, though it may also have parallel timelines and multiple concurrent null, multiverse/omniverse level expressions. And everything also may be happening in this one moment, now.

As mind-bending as that can be, we recognize that through self-awareness and free will choice, we step into our greatest power.

This is the ability to tell our own story and recreate our own position, to choose at which time and place we engage in life at any given moment. Like Victor Frankl’s classic quote, “The last of the great human freedoms: the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. And there were always choices to make.” And when you know his life and story in Man’s Search for Meaning, then you can really appreciate our full potential.

Choice is our power, and whatever we choose and believe becomes our reality. It becomes our truth, and nobody can decide that for us. Things can be happening around us, but what do we tell ourselves about it? And how do we continue to keep ourselves in that buoyant yet empowered primary position of being able to consistently tell our own story and choose our own experience? 

We might not be able to choose what happens around us, but we can choose what happens within us in terms of our relationship with the external. The more we become internally referenced, internally focused, and connected to our own power, we retain the ability to choose how we relate to the external. We can operate from that place of spaciousness and equanimity to consciously choose and respond, to take ourselves beyond the reactionary auto-pilot mode. That’s the inherent emotional resilience that we have been speaking about in these newsletters: our ability to choose.

With love as our blueprint and choice as our power, it’s really up to us to tell the story that makes our lives most meaningful and inspiring. What kind of story do we want to tell? Do we want to tell a story with no meaning? A story where hate, greed, and indifference are our blueprint, so we might as well try to take everything for ourselves? Or do we want to take this one life, this one chance we get, to tell a story of love and mutuality and harmony?

What choices are you making as you create your own story?


To your health, 

Dr. Dan


Get healthy. Stay present. Help out.

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