
Therapy With Zero Negative Side Effects

Any time you are watching TV, you’re bombarded with commercials for antidepressants, blood pressure medicine, ADHD medicines, etc. The list goes on and on. At the end of the commercial, they very quickly list all the possible side effects–suicidal thoughts, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, heart attack, depression, increased anxiety, panic attacks, etc. When did we become so willing to risk the side effects to resolve the original issue? 


Thankfully, there are now phenomenal therapies available that provide amazing results within just 2-3 sessions with ZERO contraindications. One of these therapies is floatation therapy via float tanks


Floatation is like meditation on steroids.


Floatation therapy offers you the first opportunity to be without environmental stimuli since you were conceived. Read that again and think about it for a moment. Floatation therapy is the first time since conception that you’re without environmental stimuli. 


When people really understand that statement, it’s pretty compelling.


Consider this: You were a little zygote in your mother’s uterus, but you still had proprioception, vibratory stimulation, auditory stimulation, and the psycho-emotional neurochemical stimulation from your mother. However, in a float tank, there’s no gravity, sight, sound, proprioception, temperature gradient, etc. 


In a float tank, the vast majority of what your brain is continuously scanning and receiving from the environment is able to go quiet. Your tracking mind gets to turn environmentally inward. You have an accelerated opportunity to see what’s behind the curtain of your own mind without doing a psychedelic. 


The additional benefit is that anybody and everybody can float.


If you’re thinking, I don’t want to get into a closed, dark container, my response is that a really good reason to do it is because it makes you uncomfortable. 


I’ve had clients who have worked through their initial discomfort and have cured their anxiety and cured their claustrophobia in a float tank in just 2-3 sessions. 


With flotation, you can start out slow and work up to your tolerance. For example, in your first session, you can get into the tank and leave the door open, leave the light on, get out of the tank, get back in, etc. Then the next time, you get in the tank, leave the door open and turn off the light. The time after that, turn the light off, close the door, and see how long you can stay in. If it’s 5-10 minutes, great, open the door after that, and then by session three, four or five, you can be in the tank for an hour with a closed door and light off, and comfortably exploring the depths of your inner world. 


Floatation therapy offers you an accelerated opportunity to get present with what’s going on in your own internal landscape.


I’ve used floatation therapy more and more over the last few years as an opportunity to venture deeper within myself. 


Floatation therapy is not like psychedelics in that it’s easily accessible. It’s not necessary to leave the country for a transformational experience–most cities have at least one float tank location available, which you can easily find by doing an online search. 


Next time, we’ll explore another zero-side-effect therapy: Cold plunging–better than coffee, and without the jitters. 


Wishing you all a beautiful, happy, and healthy week ahead. 


To your health,

Dr. Dan


Get healthy.  Stay present.  Help out.


P.S. I am honored every time I receive a new review for A Dose of Hope. It means that we are all working together to create movement and global healing.  I received this one last week: 


After reading A Dose of Hope I am curious to learn more, to participate more and do my work stronger so this healing can be a reality for even me. I am most intrigued by the introduction to nonviolent communication.  ~ June


When you finish reading your copy of the book, I would love to hear what you think as well!

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