
3 Ways You Can Be A Part of The Movement

I am eternally grateful for the tremendous support I’ve received from all of you regarding the many projects I’m launching this summer, especially in regards to my new book, A Dose of Hope


Thanks to you, A Dose of Hope became a #1 best-selling book on Amazon in the first 24 hours! 


I am thrilled to know so many people are supporting the conversation and sharing it far and wide. 


If you would like to know more about how to support the conversation, here are 3 ways:


  1. Purchase A Dose of Hope.


Buying a copy of A Dose of Hope for yourself or a friend is a great way to learn more and share the message regarding the benefits of MDMA-assisted therapy. 


  1. Leave a review after you have read A Dose of Hope.

Leaving a review with your take-aways from reading the book will help others who are new to the conversation to connect to our purpose. 


  1. Spread the word about the benefits of MDMA-assisted therapy.


I invite you to share my book with loved ones, as well as the research and studies regarding the phenomenal healing benefits of MDMA-assisted therapy.  


Here are a few things people are saying about the book:



I went into this book thinking it was going to be a dense nonfiction study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy.

This is WAY BETTER than that.

This book is for EVERYONE. What I mean by that is that it was literally written so that EVERYONE and ANYONE can understand it.

~Nicholas Gomez

The entire time I was reading this book, I felt I was Alex Young and was going through therapy. I laughed and cried, felt happy and anxious and everything in between. It is an incredibly impactful book that not only gave me an intimate insight into what MDMA facilitated therapy is, but also brought up emotions in me and left me inspired to explore deeper levels of my personal trauma by “feeling my way through them.” Dr. Dan and Alex masterfully detail the experience of going through such therapy, with all the fears, blockages, doubts, excitement, joy and more. This book is for curious minds who are willing to explore the deepest corners of their own selves.

~Karolina Wozniak


Don’t forget to claim your book bonuses if you’ve already purchased a copy. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, you can still claim your book bonuses below when you’re ready. 


(Button To Book Bonus PAGE) 


Wishing you all a beautiful day, and I look forward to reading your reviews!


To your health,

Dr. Dan


Get healthy.  Stay present.  Help out. 

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