Overflowing with Gratitude

June 24, 2021


Thank you SO MUCH for the many emails and responses I’ve been receiving from our community. While it can be a little overwhelming to launch a book, create a podcast, and open a groundbreaking clinic, I am reminded of why I do this. 


I do this for you. 

I do this for me.

I do this for all of us!


Thank you for being you.

Thank you for showing up.

Thank you for being part of our community.

Thank you for inviting others into our community. 


Just like snowflakes, grains of sand, and leaves fallen from the same tree, we are all beautifully unique individuals. Your journey will be your own. As we each become more aware of our own personal truths, our own personal path to wholeness and happiness becomes more clearly realized. And while each path is unique to itself, there are commonalities that we can all share. 


Two of the universal truths I have found to be consistent are: 


  1. Kindness makes this journey easier. 
  2. Communities make this journey better.


With this in mind, I look forward to diving deeper into the arc of adulthood and the amazing complexity of being a human on the planet right now. This is one of THE missing conversations about adulthood we were never taught in school, and I look forward to connecting with you on these deeper levels of being. 


The work we do as a community will ripple out into the collective. Thank you for being here with me and sharing this journey. 


In the words of my late great teacher, Don Howard Lawler, as he would say to us before each ceremony:  “Para el bien de todos.” 


We do this work “for the greater good of all.”

To your health, 

Dr. Dan


Get healthy. Stay present. Help out.

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