Way to Bring It!

June 10, 2021

Thank you all for your outstanding feedback!

I am amazed by all the phenomenal answers I received in response to  my last blog post, where I asked what I could teach during an upcoming online class that would benefit you and your journey. 

Here are the common themes:

  • Ways to take care of one’s self after a big awakening
  • How to know if you’re ready for a medicine experience
  • Best practices for integrating back into homelife and relationships
  • When to reenter a medicine experience

As we emerge from a time of uncertainty, isolation, uprisings, and for many, fear, it makes sense that these themes are presenting themselves to those of us who are paying attention and willing to put in the work for a brighter future ahead. 

We are willing to do “the work” because we have hope and vision. We know what is possible and we see those possibilities on the horizon, beckoning us. The path of self-awareness leads to that horizon and is not an easy path to walk. Many of us, myself included, are faced with doubt, insecurities, and great challenges along the way. 


However, as I often say, challenges are opportunities, and in the words of Barbara Marx Hubbard, “Crises precede transformation.” 


The evolving world around us often appears to be steeped in chaos because our world is in the process of transformation, just as we are. It is up to each of us individually to become the best version of ourselves we can be in order to be of service to the collective. 

If you are experiencing challenges and suffering, you are not alone. As I often say, “Everything comes up on the way to ceremony.” We cannot truly refine ourselves unless we know what needs to be refined. Thus, the deeper aspects of ourselves that we perhaps kept suppressed or hidden away will rise to the surface in order for us to heal. 


Through our healing, we become whole. 


I founded Full Spectrum Medicine based on this principle alone. It is my soul’s mission in this life to help you become a whole human. The process of becoming whole is a sacred process, and it is my great honor to have your trust in me as we do this work together.  

Thank you for sharing your needs with me; knowing them helps me to refine my offerings and better support you. Can you think of anything else that may interest you? I am still compiling my list. If you have a few more thoughts, I would love to hear from you. 


Perhaps take a moment to check in with yourself. What do you feel is lacking in your life? What would you like additional support with? What are your goals, and what are the obstacles in your way? What topics interest you the most?


Your feedback is essential as I continue to develop my upcoming online class. The way to get a complimentary ticket to this class is to purchase my upcoming book, A Dose of Hope, when it’s released.


My team and I are working on putting the finishing touches on a few more exclusive bonuses for you. We’ll let you know when A Dose of Hope is ready for release. I am so excited to share it with you. 


Be sure to add your name to the waiting list to ensure you are the first to receive the announcement with all the bonus details and links to purchase the book.


Thank you all for your time and contributions. I am filled with gratitude that we get to do this important work together.

To your health, 

Dr. Dan


Get healthy. Stay present. Help out.

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